GameHammer Live Game Coding (Episode 1)

Tonight I began writing a text adventure game on an Amstrad CPC emulator. The coding process took quite a while but the game is coming together.

If you would like to check out the code yourself and see what little of the game is now playable at the end of episode 1, please click here to download the game code.

It’s in .DSK format, so it should run on any standard CPC emulator (and also on a real Amstrad CPC computer, if you have the right hardware).

Update: Before the next episode of the Live Game Coding, I decided it would be a good idea to do a little bit of finishing off on the code covered in Episode 1. I have therefore finished off the movement code (it’s basically a replication of the North, South, East, West code anyway so you really aren’t missing anything).

I’ve also tidied-up the Instructions screen so the words aren’t split across multiple lines; centred-justified some of the “press X to Y” text; and added a splash of extra colour to some of the title screen and button prompts.

All of this is very simple stuff, so I did it before the next episode; to save some time.

You can download the updated .DSK image by clicking here. Don’t worry, the original code from the end of Episode 1 is still available as well, in case you fancy taking a look at that and comparing the two.